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Assembly tables DiKom SR-M: bigger range, smaller cost

02 august 2018

Assembly tables DiKom SR-M enjoy well-deserved popularity: they are low-cost, easily height adjustable, are available in antistatic and general-purpose industrial versions with four types of tabletops, and have a full-fledged and reliable panel design with a large assortment of accessories.

Now DiKom SR-M tables have become even more functional:

  • Models with the depth of 900 mm replenished models with the depth of 700 mm. They are available with chipboard ESD, ESD Plastic tabletops. Tables of 900 in-depth have additional «/90» in their name: SP-М-150/90-03.
  • Tables with a width of 1500 and 2000 mm can now be complemented with a side-table having a chipboard, ESD, ESD Plastic tabletop. The side-table is mounted at an angle of 90 degrees to the main table and significantly increases the working surface of the table.

We also replaced the hanging tool cabinet DiKom VL-003 ESD with a new tool cabinet DiKom CP-M-003 that has an easier construction. It resulted in cost reduction of tables models SR-M-03/04.

Download price list for DiKom SR-M tables

DiKom SR-M tables in the online store
(SR-M tables with the width of 900 can be found inside the cards of models)

DiKom SR-M table with a side-table

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